novembre 30, 2011

Decisions towards Food Security - 2nd Steering Committee Meeting of the EU/IFAD/ECOWAS Food Facility Programme, Libreville, 18 November 2011

In the presence of all partners and stakeholders the Second Steering Committee Meeting of the EU/IFAD/ECOWAS Steering Committee Meeting took place on 18 November 2011 at the Laico Hotel in Libreville.

The meeting was a side event to IFAD's West and Central Africa Division 6th Regional Forum held in Libreville from 14 to 17 November 2011.

The meeting was opened by Mr Ides de Willebois, newly nominated Director of the West and Central Africa Division, Mr Perin Saint Ange, Portfolio Advisor and Mr Bernard de Schrevel of the EU Delegation in Libreville.

The objective of the meeting was to review progress and implementation arrangements before the closing of activities planned for 31/12/2011.

The projects components brought forth their needs and concerns before completion of the programme. These concerns were mostly in terms balance of payments, financial requirements, audits and technical reports to be handed into IFAD by 31/01/2012.

The Programme Manager for the EU FF for West Africa, Ms Adriane Del Torto supported by the Finance department and the Director reassured the participants of IFAD's full commitments towards the full implementation of the Food Facility and towards fulillment of all of its obligations towards the components. IFAD has renewed its determination to provide every facility necesary to achive these goals.

The meeting then oulined some of the requirements for the final report, including the need to provide an inventory of all materials procured, works completed and a plan for assigning these assetts after the programme ends. IFAD also reminded the teams of the M&E requirements for the final reporting of the programme which will be against all of the indicators set out in the original logframe.

Finally, IFADcongratulated the project teams for their commitment to the Food Facility and commended them for the results achieved in the last year.

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